Soundbound healing therapies presents a range of sound based modalities to assist your personal journey to health & wellbeing.
Christine is a qualified professional sound therapist, sound artist, workshop facilitator, yoga and meditation teacher and restorative relaxation specialist, bringing the very best of all paths to merge into a unique experience for you, whether in a group gong relaxation or individual therapeutic sound session. We hold regular Sound Healing events, Sound Meditation classes, Soundscape experiences, Gong Sound Relaxations and Moon Meditations in the Inner West of Sydney and beyond. Through collaborations, continued inspiration, learning and research we are able to offer a unique synthesis of sonic vibrations and exquisite experience in person and online. On a mission to spread creativity and joy to the world on waves of sublime sound. By offering therapeutic sound healing events and classes, we strive to bring some balance and bliss to our unpredictable worlds. However, Self Care and Self Responsibility are areas that we do have control over: The Sound Therapy and gentle healing practices which are the core of our Sound Healing Gong Baths act to encourage the functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system, helping your body to relax deeply into a valuable alpha state of self regulation. ONLINE home delivered sound Gongs in your Home and around the World : ONLINE If you are unable to attend one of our live events, we offer online sound healing meditations and restorative relaxation to help you stay calm and deeply rested during these tumultuous times. The good news is that you can access these from anywhere in the world! Contact me for further information and how to join. New Moon : Full Moon Sound Healing Meditations for health and mental & emotional wellbeing relax your body : calm your mind Wednesday 8.00pm every fortnight On nearest Wednesday to New and Full Moons with Gong Nidra Restorative Relaxation in between ONLINE on ZOOM - registrations ESSENTIAL to receive access link and to provide correct settings for receiving optimum SOUND quality. Our next series of sound sessions is on the following days: 2024 Online class starts at 8.00pm 7 Aug : New Moon Leo 21 Aug : Super Full Moon Aquarius 4 Sep : New Moon Virgo 30 Oct : New Moon Scorpio 13 Nov : Super Full Moon Taurus 4 Dec : New Moon Sagittarius 18 Dec : Full Moon Gemini 21 Dec : Summer Solstice Gong Nidra will resume soon If you are wondering about receiving the sound experience online, we are reaching people who might not otherwise be able to come to a class and getting some incredible feedback: "I didn't know it was possible to be so relaxed. Incredible!" "Thanks Christine. Such Soulful and healing harmonies" "That was lovely! The sound was so clear!" "I couldn't have got through last year without these wonderful sound sessions! Highly recommended." "When I was living in Sydney, I was able to attend Soundbound Healing sessions in person, and they were amazing! relaxing and enlivening at the same time. I had anticipated the relaxing part, but was pleasantly surprised that the sounds were also very invigorating. I now live overseas and have been able to welcome the special sound bath back in my life with the help of technology. I was slightly skeptical that the experience through headphones would not stand up to the in person experience, but I have to admit, the vibrations still permeated and the experience was just as enjoyable and special. I’m thrilled to be able to continue the practice cross continent. What a treat! Thank you Christine for the beautiful gift of aural wonder." Alexis, USA Our current program of sound healing events is awaiting a suitable new venue: Soundscapes : In the city & across the country in Real Life 2024 Summer Sound Healing Sunday tba 6.00-7.30pm Inner West new venue "The sound bath is an immersive experience that cleanses and balances your auric field whilst taking you into a deep state. Christine has the most wonderful array of sounds at her fingertips - powerful, resonant gongs, singing bowls, tinkling chimes that float in the air, and primal rattles and drums. I went on a wild ride across the universe! I love it." - yoga teacher and participant in Sacred Space Sacred Sound Healing "I always take something away from your sound baths, and can never get over how much work you both put into making each one so memorable." Live in-person group events operate following common sense and relevant guidelines in our post-pandemic world. |
sound healingselected New & Full Moons
on Wednesdays 8.00-9.00pm |
sound therapygroup & individual sessions
Gong Nidra groups |
sonic art
sublime soundscapes
for special events |